How to Find IT Vacatures, or IT Jobs, in the Netherlands


How to find IT vacatures, or IT jobs, in the Netherlands

Are you planning a move to the Netherlands, and so need to find a place forĀ it vacatures or IT jobs? If so, using a Dutch recruiter is your best bet, and these tips can help you get hired through one in no time at all.

Sign up with as many recruiters as possible — The first thing you should do is to sign up with as many recruiters as you can find. Each recruiter will usually have access to different jobs, so the more you are signed up with, the bigger the chance you will find the exact type of job you are looking for.

Be specific about your language skills — Do you speak Dutch or only English? Do you speak a little bit of Dutch, but would not classify yourself as fluent?

Be specific with every recruiter, so they know which types of jobs they can send you for and which you will not be qualified for.

Go for every interview — Once you get to Holland, be sure to go to every interview a recruiter offers.

You may not want the job, you may not be qualified for it but the more interviews you have, the more experience you will get in interviewing with the Dutch and, therefore, in figuring out what they are looking for in an ideal candidate.

Push the recruiter — Dutch recruiters may not be quite as aggressive as American or British recruiters, so do be sure to politely push if you feel like you are not getting the interviews you would like.

Contact each recruiter every few days just to remind them you are still looking, and make sure you reiterate what your skills and experience are, as well as what type of job you want.